An act of leadership - Sacher Associates
An act of leadership

An act of leadership

A decision by the head of any company, division, or department to systematize the business is in itself an act of leadership.

Monday, the 16th of September
A decision by the head of any company, division, or department to systematize the business is in itself an act of leadership. Yet it is an easy, specific step to take – a concrete way of making the will to manage effective in achieving company success.

In deciding to systematize the business, the executive makes two commitments to himself: first, to maintain the will to manage; second, to devote much of his time to building, maintaining, articulating, and supporting the system and to make it effective in action. This means that he will have less time for day-to-day operational decision making. He will have to keep out of the details. He will be forced into a leadership posture. 16 Marvin Bower

What do I do on Monday morning?

Starting with January the 1st, What do I do on Monday morning? lays out a template for performance improvement in sequenced and practical daily actions and advice. It covers the 10 essential components and systems necessary to optimize people's performance and contribution. Each month we cover a different component and in September we cover the component of systems and process which is part of the Technical system.

This week I am covering what to do on Monday morning the 16th of September to Sunday the 22nd  of September.

17th September

The utility of the systems concept to managing an enterprise may be viewed in terms of two elements of the manager’s job:

  1. He wishes to achieve overall effectiveness for his organization.
  2. He does so in an environment involving conflicting organizational objectives. 15 Dr. M. Kabat and M. Fielding

18th  September

The primary efforts of leaders need to be directed to the maintenance and guidance of organizations as whole systems of activities. I believe this to be the most distinctive and characteristic leadership behavior, but it is the least obvious and least understood. 17 Chester Barnard

19th  September

The capable executive is master of his time. He systematizes his minutes ... In the long run, the most successful man is the man who gives the fewest orders. 18 J. Ogden Armour

20th September

... too narrow a view leads to too narrow a range of solutions to the problem at hand. The manager who cannot conceive of an organization as a system in its entirety, who cannot think systematically about its human dimensions as well as its more tangible technical processes, and who is not comfortable in dealing with its abstract features, as well as its concrete features, will be limited to solutions that are concrete, familiar, and obvious. The manager who can figuratively step back and look at the entire enterprise as an interesting, multifarious, interconnected system can deal with its problems more effectively, manage it more effectively, and change it more effectively when it is in need of change. 19 Karl Albrecht

21st  September

System support: The best way to kill a management system is to violate it. The second best way is to ignore it. So the leader must support the system by following it himself and by inspiring and requiring others to do likewise. 20 Marvin Bower

22 September

... For systems thinking also shows that small, well-focused actions can sometimes produce significant, enduring improvements if they’re in the right place. Systems thinkers refer to this principle as “leverage.” 21 Peter M. Senge

This blog is dedicated to Mr. Said Charles Kiwan, CEO of MVP TECH: While he may commit many acts of leadership, some doubts remain about whether or not he reads my blogs.




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