Performance-linked communication EBook - Sacher Associates
Performance-linked communication EBook

Performance-linked communication EBook

SKU: Performance-linked Communication

Publisher: Independent Pubs

Author: Harold Monty Sacher and Merryl Sacher

Format: EBook

Pages: 256

Released: 2002

A performance management tool for getting the right information to the right people at the right time. It answers the question: Who needs what information, in what order, to do a good job by implementing a system that communicates the performance goals of the organisations to the people doing the work, and building the infrastructure to support this communication?

With eleven separate modules, this EBook shows you how to effectively communicate your organisation's values, vision, strategic goals and targets throughout the organisation. It ensures that every dollar spent on communication contributes directly to the organisation's performance goals by:

  • Enabling managers to identify the information that will boost performance
  • Giving managers the tools to develop and implement a systematic and continuous performance-improvement system
  • Providing a tried and tested communication system that works.

This EBook provides a performance-linked communication system that communicates the performance goals of the organisation to the people doing the work by:

  • Translating organisational values, vision and mission into strategy
  • Translating strategy into team outputs, performance measures and targets
  • Implementing a performance feedback system to feed back
  • performance information to the people doing the work
  • Rewarding performance
  • Providing the performance-linked communication infrastructure.

Book content

In showing how to build a performance-linked communication system, this manual presents 11 modules organised within three parts.While each module is designed to stand alone, it is best to read the modules in their numbered sequence to gain the best understanding of performance-linked communication.

PART 1: COMMUNICATION (three modules) defines performance-linked communication, presents an overview of its components, and discusses its significance.

Introduction - defines performance-linked communication, presents an overview of the content of the manual, and provides information about its authors.

Module One - The big picture locates performance-linked communication within the context of the ten basic components of team performance necessary to implement and sustain a continuous performance improvement system.

Module Two - Why performance-linked communication is important describes the contribution of performance-linked communication to the continuous improvement of the organisation and its sub-systems.

PART II: WHAT TO COMMUNICATE (consists of five modules)

Module Three – A unified sense of direction shows how to develop and communicate a shared understanding of what is important to the organisation and the team (values), where it wants to be (vision), and its main purpose (mission). A unified sense of direction is the first component that must be communicated if an organisation is to be successful.

Module Four – Strategy is made up of two parts: first an environmental scan is performed, which helps identify where we are now and what trends are emerging, followed by the development of strategic goals which incorporate the information gleaned from the environmental scan. Once complete, a road map is planned showing how to get from where we are now to where we want to be. The communication of the organisation's road map is the second component that must be communicated if the organisation is to be successful.

Module Five – Outputs, performance measures and targets shows how to translate the organisation's strategic goals into the daily activities of the people doing the work. This is achieved by identifying and defining stakeholder expectations, and then developing targets to meet those expectations. Targets are determined by clarifying the outputs, or end results that stakeholders require, determining performance measures so that output achievement can be measured, and setting targets showing the amount, quality and time frame in which a particular output needs to be achieved.

Module Six – Performance feedback is official information from the system that tells people how they are doing against their targets. It is necessary to monitor and control target variance so as to continuously improve the quality, quantity and timeliness of outputs to identified stakeholders.
While the performance-linked communication system is designed to answer the question, who needs what information, in what order, to achieve the performance goals of the organisation, performance feedback is designed to feed back this information to the person doing the work, in terms relevant to him/her. Performance feedback is the foundation of the performance-linked communication system.

Module Seven – Reward systems shows how to establish and implement a reward system which rewards performance, not mediocrity. The module addresses positive recognition systems and team-based financial reward systems, showing how to establish reward systems that satisfy the motivational needs of all employees, and result in measurable team and organisational performance improvement.

PART III: IMPLEMENTATION (consists of three modules and an optional workbook)

Module Eight – Performance-linked communication system infrastructure shows how to support the performance-linked communication system with the appropriate infrastructure.

Module Nine – Effective delivery of performance feedback is devoted to the implementation of performance feedback, given our belief that performance feedback is the backbone of the performance-linked communication system. It addresses the delivery of both verbal and non-verbal performance information.

Module Ten –Implementation: guidelines, pitfalls, examples is a summary of key lessons which we have learned from years of hands-on implementation in the field. We share implementation guidelines, pitfalls and model examples selected from live teams.

What readers say about our books

I think the manuals are absolutely fantastic. I like the way they are structured in a very logical, practical format with examples all the way through which help to clarify points. The checklists are invaluable and the questionnaires help to reinforce the learning from each module. The phone contact and service provided by Sacher Associates has also been exceptional and you certainly live the values you espouse! Penny Crittall, Pindan Group

I wanted to compliment you on the quality and format in your manuals. As you would acknowledge, the principles are not new but the presentation and clarity is excellent - in fact, the best I've ever seen. Congratulations on a first class presentation. G.J. Neilan, Queensland Manager, FAI Insurance