Performance-linked learning EBook - Sacher Associates
Performance-linked learning EBook

Performance-linked learning EBook


Publisher: Independent Pubs

Author: Harold Monty Sacher and Merryl Sacher

Format: EBook

Pages: 227

Released: 2000

Performance-linked learning offers a strategic training and development system designed to ensure that learning goals contribute directly to the organisation's performance goals. It is a system based on an analysis or organisational goals and the development of integrated and prioritised learning solutions to provide the competencies required to achieve those goals.

To compete successfully, teams within organisations must continuously learn in today's rapidly changing market. An effective learning system, performance linked, is essential. This EBook builds a strategic training and development system. Using jargon-free language, Performance-linked Learning enables senior line managers and human resources personnel to identify high-priority learning issues and to determine how best to implement a program that improves performance capability.

EBook goals:

  • Provides the tools to develop a standardised learning system for the organisation.
  • Ensures learning is purposeful, increasing the overall performance of the organisation and not just satisfying individual training needs.
  • Ensures learning is focused on making a contribution in terms of profits and savings and financial benefits.
  • Contributes to the organisation's continuous performance improvement system.

You will learn how to:

  • Develop a learning plan which relates performance to the goals of the organisation.
  • Develop a learning vision.
  • Analyze current performance and predict future trends.
  • Identify competency gaps.
  • Design a learning strategy.
  • Translate that strategy into operational plans.
  • Budget for your learning plans.
  • Evaluate learning.
  • Standardize performance-linked learning throughout your organisation.
  • Implement an effective and relevant performance-linked learning system.

Book content

This EBook is in three parts.

  • Part One being the preparation to how the performance-linked learning system works,
  • Part Two the eight modules of the system itself and
  • Part Three the implementation and workbook. Examples, summaries, checklists, glossaries and quality standards are included throughout the manual.
    Below is a summary of the contents.



The performance-linked learning system positions the manual; discusses the goals of organisational learning and provides an overview of the performance-linked learning system.

Module One - The Big Picture Aims to position learning within the context of all the the Basic Components of Team Performance. These components cover all the aspects necessary to implement and sustain a continuous performance improvement system. This module also clarifies the scope of the book.


Section One: A Unified Sense of Direction
Focus your organisation such that all teams are pulling in the same direction. The first step in the development of a performance-linked learning system is clarity, focus and agreement about it's purpose. This will focus the team on what is important, where it wants to be, and how it will get there.

Section Two: Environmental Analysis
Assess how the organisation is currently performing so a clear gap between current organisational performance and desired performance can emerge. This information will be used to input into the organisation's learning strategy.

Section Three: Performance Analysis
Considers all the factors that can influence the performance of the target area, of which competency gaps is just one. A performance analysis is necessary to pinpoint the performance problem and to determine the appropriate solution of which learning is just one option.

Section Four: Learning Needs Analysis
Shows how to answer the question , who needs what competencies and what order to achieve the team's outputs, measures and targets.

Section Five: Learning Strategy
Provides the overall game plan or map (the "how") to help direct the organisation from where it is to where it wants to be. The learning strategy defines the way forward to equip the organisation with the right competencies at the right time and in the right place to ensure the achievement of the overall strategic plan.

Section Six: Learning Operational Plans
Shows how to translate the learning strategies and competency gaps into specific outputs, measures and targets for a one-year period. Identify who in the organisation needs to be recruited, managed, trained and divested for the organisation to ensure that the achievement of performance goals are not hampered by competency gaps.

Section Seven: Learning Budget
Shows how to ensure that the cost of closing the competency gap is worth the expense. It shows how to quantify the costs of learning; helps determine how to fund all expenditure necessary to achieve the learning goals of the organisation, as well as to monitor and control the usage of those funds.

Section Eight: Evaluation
Shows how to evaluate the entire performance-linked learning system, and each learning intervention that is implemented.


Guidelines for implementation and pitfalls to be avoided are provided for when implementing a performance-linked learning system, based on the experience gained and the lessons learned through years of hands-on implementation in the field.

Module Ten - Examples
Examples concludes the book with examples of components of the performance-linked learning system.

What readers say about our books

I think the books are absolutely fantastic. I like the way they are structured in a very logical, practical format with examples all the way through which help to clarify points. The checklists are invaluable and the questionnaires help to reinforce the learning from each module.The phone contact and service provided by Sacher Associates has also been exceptional and you certainly live the values you espouse! Penny Crittall, Pindan Group

I wanted to compliment you on the quality and format in your manuals. As you would acknowledge, the principles are not new but the presentation and clarity is excellent - in fact, the best I've ever seen. Congratulations on a first class presentation. G.J. Neilan, Queensland Manager, FAI Insurance

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