A sure road to failure - Sacher Associates
A sure road to failure

A sure road to failure

You want to sell something, so you try to put it in an attractive package or give it a name that has an attractive sound to it. I see nothing wrong with that. What bothers me is when 90 percent of it is the package and 10 percent is substance.So it’s not a case that you do without these things that are offered. But what is a sure road to failure is when you focus on one small part of the picture.

Joseph Juran

What do I do on Monday morning?

Starting with January the 1st, What do I do on Monday morning? lays out a template for performance improvement in sequenced and practical daily actions and advice. It covers the 10 essential components and systems necessary to optimize people's performance and contribution. Each month we cover a different component and in September we are covering the component of systems and process which is part of the Technical system. A diagram of the 10 essential components of team performance and the systems of which they are a part appears at the end of this article.

This week I am covering what to do on Monday morning on the 27th of September to the 30th of September.

27th September

The trick is to get the balance between having some relatively rigid systems that people will follow and allow teams of empowered people the freedom to participate fully in the workplace. If you don’t have systems, two things happen. One, things fall through the cracks and product concepts and launches don’t go as they should. The second risk which is incredibly wasteful is that you reinvent the wheel, and you just don’t have the free resources these days to be able to afford that. 22 John Ballard

28th September

Look to manufacturers, if you want to provide good service. Manufacturers, not service companies, have the best systems. They should be your models. 24 Carl Sewell

29th September

The design or redesign of a system should involve those who operate the system, those who control the resources of the system, those who have a stake in the system, and those who have system design expertise or knowledge. 25 James B. Swartz

30th September

The management works in the system, leaders work on the system. 26 Stephen R. Covey

What do I do on Monday morning? has been designed as a daily reference guide for improving the organizational performance of your business using the proven Sacher Associates systems. Published in Australia and globally it is now in its third print edition.

I have written this work not to teach people what they do not know, but to remind them of what they already know and is very evident to them. You will find in most of my words only things which most people know and concerning which they have no doubts. But to the extent that they are well known and their truths revealed to all, so is forgetfulness in relation to them extremely prevalent. M.C. Luzzatto

What do I do on Monday morning?



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